12.11. 2009
Mag. Maria Seissl (Director, Vienna University Library and Archive Service) and Dr. Peter Marksteiner (Central Services, Vienna University Computer Center): Welcome and Opening, moderated by Gerhard Budin (University of Vienna)
Keynote by Mariella Guercio: Conceptual framework and chain of custody for sustaining the digital trustworthiness (University of Urbino)
Andreas Rauber: Home Archiving: Moving Digital Preservation Capabilities from Large Institutions to SMEs and Home Users (Vienna University of Technology)15:45
Coffee break16:00
Tore Hoel: Metadata in the wild - the laborious creation of a new international standard for describing learning resources (Oslo University College)16:45
Sarah Currier: If You Tag it, Will They Come? Metadata Quality and Repository Management (Freelance consultant, JISC CETIS)17:30
Johanna Puhl: The PLANETS-Ontology in the context of the PLANETS-Testbed and the XCL-Software (University of Cologne)
End of Conference Day 118:30
Evening reception with dinner buffet
13.11. 2009
Opening, moderated by Gerhard Budin (University of Vienna)
Keynote by Tomaž Erjavec: Metadata as a Strategy of domain-specific Content (Department of Knowledgies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)10:30
Thomas Burch & Andrea Rapp: Infrastructures for Digital Edition (Competence Center for Electronic Indexing and Publication Procedures in the Humanities, University of Trier)11:15
Coffee break11:30
Walter Koch: Modelling and Implementation of webservice-based Vocabularies (Department for Analysis und Computational Number Theory, Graz University of Technology)12.15
Monika Hagedorn-Saupe: Metadata Harvesting in the European Context (Institute for Museum Research of the State Museums of Berlin - Prussian Heritage)13:00
End of Conference15:00
"Digital Library Austria" Workgroups Meeting